putting you first


Growing up in South Western Sydney to an immigrant family from South East Asia has influenced my fascination for the role of culture and individual differences on a person’s sense of identity, their relationship to their mind, body and spirit, and how this impacts on their relationships with other people.

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A bit about me

My training in clinical psychology has allowed me to become a critical thinker and appreciate the importance of research in the development of evidence-based practices. Clinical psychologists are trained to understand the interplay of factors, including, family history, biology, societal influences, and our own personalities and life choices that have impacted us as individuals. In my personal life, I have come to realise the importance of truly understanding myself on a deeper level in order to live a purposeful and authentic life. This has led me to look into non-religious spiritual knowledge and practices, which has allowed me to better come to know the essence of who I am- that is the oneness with all of life.

Some of these practices are now well-researched and integrated into the field of psychology and includes: self-compassion, acceptance, non-judgemental awareness, gratitude, meditation, mindfulness practices and fun and play. In One Life Psychology, I work with clients by using skills from clinical psychology to help people better connect with their mind, body and spirit. I endeavour to help people to better understand how their life experiences, especially their childhood experience, have influenced the development of unhelpful thinking and behaviour patterns and how they can change them to live a more enriching life. It appears that the research around non-religious spiritual practices in psychology is growing, and I hope that one day we will see greater integration of spirituality within the Psychology profession. 

I work from a heart felt space where I believe each and every one of us all want to be heard, seen, understood and to know that we matter. My therapeutic approach is to work in collaboration with clients to help empower them to have the courage to embrace their strengths and uniqueness and to connect to themselves on a deeper level so that they can see themselves from a more objective, accepting and non-judgemental perspective, which will ultimately help them to make more conscious choices that aligns with their values and work towards fulfilling their goals in life. 


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My experience & qualifications

I have experience working across both the public and private sectors, in the hospital setting, working with chronic pain patients, in the school setting (both primary and high school), people with disabilities and in private practice, where I have worked with people across the age span. I have a particular interest in working with adults across the age span.


Bachelor of Psychology (The University of Sydney)

Master oF Clinical Psychology (Macquarie University)

Endorsed Clinical Psychologist with AHPRA

Member of the Australian Psychology Society

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